
What’s Your CQ?

April 9, 2024|

We’re getting into Spring in the U.S… and Q2 has kicked off… how are you embracing this season? Over and...

Dare To Leap

March 18, 2024|

While many entrepreneurs, and savvy careerists careers are engaged in thinking that this is a great time to hold onto...

Name That Tune

February 16, 2024|

I love music… especially tunes that lift us up and make me feel good. Music can teach us too, when we...

Stepping Into Leadership

February 16, 2024|

You may be aware (or not) that I spend a fair amount of time speaking about Leadership. The other day, a...

It’s Time to Shift

February 6, 2024|

Each of us has ‘our way’. From the way we brush our teeth, drive to and from the office to how...

Dare to Grow

January 30, 2024|

It seems I’m on a mission.  As with most missions, I’m quite passionate about my point of view. Seriously, there’s lots...

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